Fruit of the Spirit
Written by:Pastor Jim Lennon
Jesus used many agricultural analogies to explain spiritual truths. The parable of the four soils illustrates that the effect of God’s Word is directly related to the condition and receptivity of a person’s heart to God. In comparing it to the growth of God’s kingdom on earth, the parable of the mustard seed illustrates how something so small can grow into something so expansive. Jesus often referred to fruit in his parables. The seed planted in good soil bears fruit sixty and one hundred-fold. Those who abide in Him bear much fruit.......
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Co-heirs With Jesus
Written by:Pastor Jim Lennon
After the Japanese surrendered, officially ending World War II, a special ceremony was organized for the signing of surrender documents by the Japanese, and designated representatives of allied nations on September 2, 1945. General Douglas MacArthur officiated the ceremony aboard the USS Missouri, and was the last to sign on behalf of the United States. MacArthur took his Parker fountain pen and simply signed his first name, “Douglas.” He then passed the pen to General Wainwright, who signed it “Mac.” MacArthur then handed the pen to General Percival, who signed it “Arthur.”......
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