Jim Lennon


Pastor Jim Lennon came to faith in Jesus Christ in 1972 through the ministry of The Navigators while he was in college.  After he received his Bachelor of Science degree, he began teaching High School Biology and Physics.  During that time, he met and married his wife Linda, and felt the Lord calling him to full-time ministry.   He graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary in 1986 with a Masters in Theology.  The following year he began the first of two pastorates, and has served as a Senior Pastor for over 30 years.  He has served in his present church, West Suburban Community church, a suburb of Chicago, since 1993.  Jim and his wife have three grown children, Jennifer, Sara, and Ryan.

Dennis Criser


Pastor Dennis began his ministry here in the Fall of 2012. He became a believer in Christ at a young age through the influence of his parents. After teaching music in the public schools, he felt called to music ministry in the local church. He and his wife Debbie have served four other churches before coming to West Sub. Their desire is to plan and lead Worship Services that focus on the Scriptures and point people to Christ. They love to incorporate a large variety of music, as well as include the visual arts and dance when possible. They both received their music degrees at the University of Nebraska.

Their son Nathan serves as the Pastor of Hope E. Free Church in West Yarmouth, MA. He and his wife Susannah are raising three wonderful daughters, Abbey and Noel and MacKayla.

Their daughter Lindsey (also a musician) lives in Carpentersville, IL with her husband Matt, where they are raising their three extraordinary children, Cameron, Molly and Griffin.


West Sub is led by a team of Elders who are confirmed each year by the Congregation.  Currently serving are:

  • Pastor Jim Lennon
  • Pastor Dennis Criser
  • Bruce DeFord
  • Ed Anderson
  • Jon Gauger